How Your Commercial HVAC System Impacts Your Staff

Multiple factors in your Tequesta, FL, business affect your the productivity of your workers. Top among these issues is your commercial HVAC system’s efficiency. Read on to learn how the commercial HVAC system in your business impacts employees.

Indoor Air Quality Issues

The indoor air in your business premises has contaminants, such as dust, debris and pollen, circulating in it. Your commercial HVAC system has an air filter that removes these contaminants, making the air safe for your workers.

When the filter catches many pollutants, they build up on it, making it difficult to trap more harmful particles. As a result, the contaminants continue circulating freely in your workplace and trigger irritations, such as running nose, watery eyes, dry throat and nasal congestion.

Your workers will have a difficult time concentrating while experiencing these symptoms of poor indoor air quality. In extreme cases, the contaminants can cause headaches and trigger attacks in those with asthma.

As a result, they may request some time off to recover. Your business productivity will reduce if several workers need regular time off. Have your commercial HVAC system’s air filter changed routinely and professional maintenance completed regularly.

Loud and Disturbing Noise Levels

A commercial HVAC system that runs inefficiently may produce loud and disturbing noises. Irritating noises can be distracting to your workers.

Strange sounds from your system hint that it may have faulty components. You probably hear clicking or humming when your commercial HVAC system initially begins a cycle, but anything further than that warrants an inspection.

Poor Temperature Control

Your work area can feel uncomfortable to stay in if it’s too cold during winter or too hot during summer. Also, an environment that’s too cold or hot may trigger some illnesses.

An uncomfortable working environment may prompt some workers to call out more often or seek other employment. High employee absence or turnover has a significant impact on workplace morale.

Addressing these issues allows your commercial HVAC system to create a comfortable environment for your employees. Our comfort specialists will repair all faulty components to boost the system’s efficiency. Call Ranger Air Conditioning for professional commercial HVAC services if your system malfunctions in Tequesta, FL.

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