Should You Repair or Replace Your AC System in Jensen, FL?
With proper maintenance, your air conditioner should serve your Jensen, FL, home for up to 15 years. However, it may develop problems from time to time, and you may not know whether to replace or repair it. Read on to learn when to repair or replace your AC system.
Age of the AC System
The average life expectancy of an air conditioner is about 15 years. That’s not to say it’ll fail at the 15-year mark; most systems can last longer. However, pay attention to the AC system’s age if you notice a problem with cooling efficiency.
If your air conditioner is more than 10 years old, schedule an inspection with a comfort specialist. One of our professionals can help you figure out when to replace the old unit. New air conditioners offer better efficiency and comfort features.
Air Conditioner Breaks Down Too Frequency
If your air conditioner fails to keep your home at a comfortable temperature, it’s time to repair or replace it. A unit that breaks down frequently isn’t cooling your house properly. It’ll cost you more money in repairs than installing a new air conditioner right away.
Repair Cost is More Than Half That of a New System
If you have to replace your central AC system because it has stopped working, know the average cost of installing a new one. If you find out that your repairs will be over half the cost of a new unit, it’s time to replace it.
For minor repairs, you can save money by replacing individual parts. For example, you can replace a faulty cap instead of the entire compressor unit. If an AC repair requires multiple parts or if the issue appears to be chronic, replace the unit.
Efficiency Has Diminished Over Time
You may notice that your air conditioner is turning on more frequently and for longer periods than usual. This means that the unit is working harder to produce cool air, and it’s overdue for a tuneup.
If your central air conditioner isn’t cooling even after you get it fixed, you need an upgrade. You should also check if the thermostat is causing the issue before investing in a new system.
If you notice that your AC system is coming up short in any of these areas, make sure to call a comfort specialist. At Ranger Air Conditioning, our team of specialists can help you with AC repair and installation services.
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