3 Types of Emergency AC Repairs

The summer in Jupiter, Florida, is no time for the air conditioner to quit working. Sometimes you can avoid even the worst emergency AC repairs with simple maintenance. Three of the more common emergency AC repairs include drainage problems, sensor issues and refrigerant leaks.

Drainage Problems

Condensation builds up on your AC system as warm air flows over the evaporator coil. This condensation normally flows through a condensate drain. However, unless a service technician cleans the drain regularly, there’s a good chance it’ll clog with dirt or algae.

When this happens, the condensation has nowhere to drain, and your home is likely to experience high levels of humidity. This can increase the risk of biological growths in your home as well as water damage. Having the condensate drain cleaned once every two to three months during the cooling season is a great way to keep this from happening.

Sensor Issues

The thermostat plays a crucial role in how well your AC system performs. If the thermostat sensors connected to the cooling system aren’t functioning properly, this can cause the air conditioner to work around the clock to keep your home cool. This, of course, causes excessive wear and tear and leads to premature replacements and repairs. All sensors on the thermostat and the cooling system must operate correctly in order to avoid emergency AC repairs. During regular AC maintenance sessions, one of our service technicians can inspect and repair any faulty sensors.

Refrigerant Leaks

Even a small refrigerant leak can have a major impact on the efficiency of the air conditioner. An AC service technician can replenish the refrigerant on a regular basis as a temporary solution to this problem. But this doesn’t fix the leak itself. You’ll need a highly-trained service technician to find and repair the source of the leak to ensure the AC operates with optimal efficiency.

Contact Ranger Air Conditioning today at 772-205-3293. You can speak with one of our service technicians about our first-class AC repair and maintenance services.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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